MacBook / Pro / Air 全升級!即日有售你衝唔街

Keith Yim 2017-06-06 02:26 | 電腦硬件
係 WWDC2017,Apple 開發者年會,除了有全新 macOS High Serria 、iOS 11 外,大家了好耐嘅 MacBook 包括 MacBook Pro / MacBook Air 亦全面升級,最主要係採用全新 Intel 處理器。發佈咗就有得賣,等了好耐嘅你,你衝唔衝?

今次 MacBook 與 MacBook Air 唔算大升級,因為外型、設計全部無改,Macbook 依然係嗰個樣,不過規格全面升級。首先,全線 MacBook 都採用更快嘅 SSD,比起上一代快 50%, 係儲存部份,應更快更爽。而 CPU 部份,都會升級至最新 Intel CPU。

螢幕快照 2017-06-06 上午1.51.49.jpg

螢幕快照 2017-06-06 上午1.52.13.jpg

今次 MacBook 與 MacBook Air 唔算大升級,因為外型、設計全部無改,Macbook 依然係嗰個樣,不過規格全面升級。首先,全線 MacBook 都採用更快嘅 SSD,比起上一代快 50%, 係儲存部份,應更快更爽。而 CPU 部份,都會升級至最新 Intel CPU。雖然規格升級,但 MacBook Pro 入門版 (無 TouchBar) 版就減價至 US$1299,即係港幣一萬左右就可以入手。

而版主最開心嘅,應該係 MacBook Air 可以留低,不過設計,功能等等全部無變,都係 1440  x 900 Pixel 解像度,都係無 USB Type C 插位,更加唔會有 Touch Bar,可以用流動充電器充電等等,但最主要嘅係處理器升級咗。用慣 MacBook Air ,唔想再習慣新鍵盤,Touch Bar 等等

12 吋 MacBook 部份,會採用更快嘅 SSD 作儲存,

Apple has announced updates to its entire MacBook line at WWDC, giving its laptops more powerful specifications in the form of the latest Intel chips.

As had been previously rumored, last year’s MacBook Pros are getting Intel’s Kaby Lake processors, as is Apple’s 12-inch MacBook, which is also getting faster SSDs. Additionally, there’s a new configuration of the 13-inch MacBook Pro without a Touch Bar that starts at a cheaper $1,299.

Otherwise, the MacBooks remains unchanged, with the same screen, design, and ports. Finally, the long-languishing MacBook Air is getting an update, albeit a minor one — Apple is giving the Air a desperately needed speed boost, now offering a faster Intel processor (the company has yet to offer details, aside from the speed boost) — but that’s about it. The screen is still the same 1440 x 900 panel, the design remains unchanged, and there are no USB-C ports. It seems that the Air is sticking around as an entry-level budget model, even as Apple looks to push users to the MacBook and MacBook Pro.

Overall, the updates across the MacBook line show that Apple is committed to staying competitive in the laptop space, even if the spec boost fails to address larger problems with the products like Apple’s unwavering commitment to USB-C or the gimmicky Touch Bar. Still, given the huge amounts of time that have historically gone between even spec boosts for some Apple products, like the iMac or Mac Pro, it’s nice to see that the company seems to be trying harder to keep things updated going forward.

