Sony 正式宣戰! 專注全片幅挑戰 Nikon、Canon

YKer 2015-08-04 18:49 | Sony
眼見 Sony 動作頻頻,推出 A7RII 更似乎壯大左個膽! 皆因早前 Sony 在南韓舉行 A7RII 發布活動,相關的 Sony 高層接受訪問時表明,將會集中火力在全片幅市場,仲話要踩入專業級攝影如 Studios 和婚禮攝影等範疇。今次真係擺明車馬同 Canon、Nikon 宣戰!


「Sony will concentrate on full-frame cameras in the future. In the short run, we will target existing full-frame camera users and then attract those who use entry and mid-class models to upgrade their cameras in the long run, raising the popularity of full-frame cameras. To do so, we plan to boost our presence in the professional market such as photo studios and wedding photography. Besides the stagnant growth of the camera market, the entry-class segment of the lens-interchangeable camera market is slowing down drastically.」

內容大致講 Sony 將會集中在全片幅相機市場,希望吸引入門及中階用戶升級相機,長期計劃進軍專業領域如 Studios 和婚禮攝影。因為 Sony 觀察到入門級可換鏡頭相機市場的勢頭開始減弱。其實 Sony 在無反市場佔有率已經接近 6 成,市佔第一好厲害架啦! 但今次講明要逐步減少 FF 機以外既精力投放,咁姐係長遠黎講就唔再出入門換鏡 Alpha? 

其實睇住 Sony 向 C 記、N 記開戰,最大得益肯定係我地! 最好將所有黑科技投放落新機,益下廣大用戶嘛~

