Sony Ericsson W902 Walkman 手機五百萬相機

Keith Yim 2008-07-16 10:20 | 網絡消息
作爲一款音樂定位的手機,它仍然配置了一顆500萬像素自動對焦攝像頭,據說與Cyber-chot同出一門。 Sony Ericsson W902最引人注目的地方就是,作爲一款音樂定位的手機,它仍然配置了一顆500萬像素的自動對焦攝像頭,並且配置了LED閃光燈。據悉,W902身上的鏡頭與以影相為主的Cyber-chot家族的C902同出一門,看來Sony Ericsson W902在作爲音樂手機的同時,拍照性能也值得期待。[img]//[/img][img]//[/img][img]//[/img] [b]Sony Ericsson W902 [img]//[/img][img]//[/img][img]//[/img][img]//[/img][/b] Sony Ericsson W902 (codenamed Patti) is a high-end Walkman phone with a 5 megapixel autofocus camera with a LED flash and some hardware music keys on its right side. The Sony Ericsson W902 will have 2.2" QVGA TFT display and 160MB built-in memory. Surprisingly, W902 will also feature a 8GB M2 memory card in the standard retail package. From what we see on these images, it seems that the handset is pretty chubby, but we'll have to wait to see it ourselves before ruling a final verdict. [url=//]//[/url] [url=//]//[/url] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img] [img]//[/img]
