HTC 在 Google 發表 Andriod L 後,立即發表了以下聲明:
HTC is excited about the new features in the Android L release and we can’t wait to share them with our customers. We are committed to updating our flagship HTC One family as fast as possible as part of our HTC Advantage program. We will begin rolling out updates to the HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) worldwide within 90 days of receiving final software from Google, followed shortly thereafter by other One family members and select devices. HTC Advantage protects your smartphone investment, ensuring you have the best smartphone experience long after purchase."有幾點 HTC Fans 與用家要留意。HTC 點名提到 HTC One M8 與 HTC One M7 即係 2013 年版本啦,會支援升級至 Android L 版本。其他機呢?HTC 會選擇一些合適的型號。雖然 HTC 有提到香港用唔到的 HTC Advantage Program,但加入了 Worldwide 呢個字,證明全球的 HTC One M8 與 M7 手機,都會受惠。不過咁,HTC 亦表明是當 Google 把最後版本的 Android L 交給 HTC,在那日計起,才開始計算九十日升級之期。剛剛發表的 Android L 其實只是 Preview 版本,所以大家唔好期望,明天你的 HTC One M8、M7 會升級至 Android L,但有這個承諾,相信買了機的用家,會用得開心好多啦!